A Services Project Announced in Darashakran Camp

       The project of Tool Service that the American Organization Peace Winds is arranging in cooperation with the BCF in the camp of refugees from west of Kurdistan, after opening tens of training courses about how to use the electric devices, the entire project was handed over to the BCF.

       On 29 SEP 2021 after giving tens of training courses for the women and the men in the refugee camps within the boundaries of the Erbil Governorate, the American Organization Peace Winds took the responsibility of doing them, in a ceremony the project (Drashakran Camp Workshop Area) got handed over to the administration of the Darashakran Camp. In this project the refugees and the organizations can complete all the works of making, forging and works related to electricity, water and water sanitation in this location under the supervision of special and trained supervisors. The importance of this project is in that it makes things easier for the refugees and the organizations, it also ensures more safety during working. All the residents of the camps and all the organizations can benefit from this project to complete their works.
