BCF Organizes Farewell Ceremony for Kuwaiti Consul General in Erbil

On Tuesday, July 26, Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF), organized a ceremony, attended by Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw, to bid farewell to the Kuwaiti State Consul General, Omar al-Kandari, in Erbil.

The ceremony commenced by showcasing the joint humanitarian activities conducted by the BCF and the Kuwaiti Consulate General in Erbil during Mr. al-Kandari’s mission.

In his statement at the ceremony, al-Kandari said the Kuwaiti humanitarian efforts under the campaign ‘Kuwiat is by your side’ have been made after the commandment of the late Emir of Kuwait Sabah al-Ahmed, to provide assistance to refugees and IDPs. The BCF deserves special gratitude for its outstanding role in the humanitarian efforts, he said, affirming that the BCF has been delivering humanitarian services to the affected communities even outside of Iraq without discrimination.

He noted that the ‘Kuwait is by your side’ campaign has been successful due to our partnership with the BCF, stating that this was his last humanitarian activity in the Kurdistan Region but the Kuwaiti state will continue efforts in the region.

The BCF president Musa Ahmed, later gave his farewell statement, saying that “It’s a sad moment that we have to give farewell to Dr. Omar al-Kandari, who has always been a brother and a strong support to us,” adding that he has never been afraid to be present wherever needed disregarding the danger of the place. 

The BCF president extended his utmost gratitude to al-Kandari and wished him success in his next mission.

At the end of the ceremony, the Erbil governor and the BCF president jointly presented al-Kandari with an appreciation award, thanking him on behalf of all the Kurdistan Region’s people.
