BCF Renovates 200 Schools Across Kurdistan Region

Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF), in cooperation with other organizations, started the project of renovating 200 schools in the Kurdistan Region which was announced earlier in July.

Earlier on July 24, the BCF, in a press conference attended by the KRG education minister Alan Hamasaid, Erbil governor Omed Khoshnaw and the BCF president Musa Ahmed, announced a significant project in the education sector to renovate 200 schools in the Kurdistan Region.

The schools require renovation as they haven’t been renovated for a while due to economic issues facing the region and that some schools were damaged by the ISIS militants during the war.

The selection of the schools was in coordination with the education directorate of the area, distributed on the following areas.

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Location Number of Schools
Erbil 50
Sulaymaniyah 50
Duhok 50
Halabja 20
Kirkuk 20
Mosul 10

The available fund for the project is  $2,000,000, allocating $10,000 for each school. The BCF partners for this project include LDS-Charities, Dareen Group, Navela Company, One Vision International and Mahtab Company.

The selected schools require renovation in four areas: electricity, drainage system, doors and windows, and painting. 

The renovation of the majority of the schools have finished and the BCF teams hand over the schools to the education directorates after cleaning them.
