Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) announced the completion of the renovation and handover of 20 schools in Kirkuk on Wednesday, September 14, 2022.
In a ceremony attended by the BCF and Kirkuk Education officials, the BCF announced the end of the renovation project of 20 schools in the city.
The ceremony began with a statemnet by Rebwar Mohyuddin, Head of the Kirkuk Office of the BCF. He thanked Kirkuk Education Directorate and Mrs Parwin Fatih, Director of Supervision Unit in Kirkuk Education and Mr Sherzad Rashid, Director of Kurdish Education in Kirkuk and the participants for their coordination in the project.
“Today, Barzani Charity Foundation is pleased to have fulfilled the promise it made to you a month ago to renovate 20 schools,” he said.
The president of the BCF and members of the executive committee have always taken Kirkuk and its people a priority in their work, he said, adding that they always emphasize that this city must be given full attention. He noted that 12,240 students, 1,014 teachers and employees benefited from the project, which was completed in one month. Also, it provided job opportunities for 533 construction workers, he added.
Mr Sherzad Rashid, Director of Kurdish Education in Kirkuk, thanked the BCF for the remarkable project of renovating 20 schools which were in dire need of repair. “They [BCF] have not made any distinction between Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen students. They have done a good job without discrimination. We ask them to continue their work for education in Kirkuk in the future,” he said while asking the BCF to visit the poor families more and provide clothes and school supplies for their children.
Mrs Parwin Fatih, Director of the Primary Education Supervision Unit in Kirkuk Education, thanked the BCF and stressed that the project has been done with good quality. She gave an example of this, saying “This place was previously an examination hall, even there was no electric fan and electrical materials,” adding that Kirkuk and the Kurdish education in the city should not be forgotten in the future as it has never been in the past.