On November 13, 2018, Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF), in cooperation with the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) and Duhok Directorate General of Health launched a medical project for the Global Surgical and Medical Support Group (GSMSG) through which hundreds of patients in the Kurdistan Region will receive treatment.
The project was announced in a conference attended by the head of BCF’s Duhok office Abdulwahid Atrushi, AUK President John Menzies, Duhok Governor Farhad Atrushi, dignitaries, officials, doctors and nurses.
In the opening speech, the President of AUK stated “As you begin the work of saving lives and improving the health outcomes of hundreds of residents of Kurdistan, as well as refugees from Syria and persons displaced by ISIS and other violent groups, I want to thank each and every one of you for the work you are doing every day to help people. The American University of Kurdistan stands with you in this effort and we are very proud to have as our partners the Governorate of Duhok, the Barzani Charity Foundation, and GSMSG.”
Abdulwahid Atrushi, the head of the BCF office in Duhok gave an account on the humanitarian work of the BCF, explaining that they shoulder the responsibility to help where there is a need for humanitarian assistance. He mentioned that the BCF has also conducted charity projects for refugees and host communities outside Iraq such in Turkey, Syria, Greece and Serbia.
Dr Aaron Epstein, founder of the GSMSG said their mission is not only to treat patients, but also to train the local doctors and nurses.
Regarding the number of the patients the professional medical team will be treating, Dr Sirwan Mohammed, Representative of Duhok Directorate General of Health, said that over 200 patients in Duhok hospitals are ready to be treated by the GSMSG team. He also noted a number of Peshmerga will also receive treatment within this mission.