Barzani Charity Foundation participates in the Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development Conference and delivers a speech regarding the refugee crisis.
Every year, under the direct supervision of the Emirates Prime Minister and Prefect of Dubai, Sheikh Muhamad Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, the Dubai International Humanitarian Aids and Development Conference takes place, and for this year the BCF is invited by the conference coordinators.
During the conference, the humanitarian crisis around the world will be discussed. In the first day, Dr. Hamdan Musalam, the Emirates prime minister’s spokesman and Director of Emirates Academy, delivered a speech in the opening panel. Later, Mr. Vitorino, Director General of IOM presented his speech. Commissioner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi, discussed the current living condition of the world refugees and mentioned that there are 70 million refugees around the world.
In a panel, Karzan Noori, Head of Programs and Public Relations in BCF, will be presenting a speech regarding the refugee crisis.
DIHAD is an annual International Aid & Development conference and exhibition held in Dubai, UAE. DIHAD started in 2004 as the Middle East’s first humanitarian aid and development event. For this year, BCF is invited to the conference for its important role in the area and assisting the refugees and IDPs with humanitarian aids.