Barzani Charity Foundation’s Statement on Arresting the Head of Sinjar Office of BCF

Official statement from the Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF):

From the first day ISIS occupied the city of Sinjar, BCF has provided lifesaving humanitarian relief to the people on and around Sinjar Mountain. BCF did not leave the civil people on and around Sinjar Mountain alone. In order to be closely aware of living conditions, and so our humanitarian assistance could more precisely be provided in response to community needs — clean water, electricity, school, health centers, clothes, food, and shelter– BCF maintains an office and active programming on and around Sinjar mountain.

While conducting lifesaving humanitarian work in accordance with Humanitarian Principals, BCF members have been targeted by PKK armed groups. Our Sinjar Mountain office has been attacked by PKK, but we have chosen to stay silent to continue our service to the people on and around Sinjar Mountain. BCF is humbled to deliver the message and cries of the Sinjar people to international organizations and others who can act.

Unfortunately, it seems that the PKK armed group will not stop their aggressive and reckless actions. On April 28, 2019, while BCF, in partnership with the American Lebrisky church on Sinjar mountain, distributed humanitarian aid PKK armed group attacked BCF members and arrested the head of BCF’s Sinjar office.

We condemn the recent actions by the PKK armed group, and sadly we declare to the public that we no longer can provide humanitarian assistance to the people in Sinjar. The PKK armed group’s provocative and hostile actions create unsafe conditions that put the lives of BCF staff members and volunteers in danger.

We ask the Republic of Iraq, the United Nations, Coalition Forces, and Humanitarian Organizations to call for the demilitarization on and around Sinjar Mountain. Instead of further provocation and hostile acts, we should extend humanitarian assistance to the people on and around Sinjar Mountain to improve their living conditions and rebuild the city.

Barzani Charity Foundation
April 30, 2019
