BCF provides humanitarian assistance to victims of Australia fires

The wildfires in the state of New South Wales and the state of Queensland burned down (2,683) civilian households, and caused the death of (34) individuals. Further, over (3) million hectors of land and forest perished in the fire as well.

The Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) has sent thousands of liters of bottled water to Australia as part of its international humanitarian assistance program. The assistance was carried out in coordination with the Kurdistan Region’s representation in Australia.

Haval Syan, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) representative in Australia, told Kurdistan24 media press in a statement, “Providing aid to the people of Australia carries a message that Kurds are always ready to extend helping hand to the people of the world.”

Humanitarian agencies and organizations from Australia appreciated and highly recognized such help and support by the BCF.
