A great ceremony was held in the headquarters of BCF to award (23) orphan students of 12th grade who were able to get a grade over (90).
The ceremony was held in the presence of the Minister of Education in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Alan Hama Saeed, Erbil Governor Dr Fursat Sofi, Representative of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Dr Salah, and a number of employers, companies and BCF sponsors.
Musa Ahmed, Head of BCF, “We have always emphasized the service of the education sector and students, and with your support, we will continue to support this vital sector in KRG.”
During the ceremony, after standing for a silence moment for the souls of the martyrs of Kurdistan, the opening speech was delivered by the Head of BCF Musa Ahmad and mentioned some important topics regarding charitable works, humanity, caring for future generations, “The BCF is happy and grateful to see a group of students completing a vital stage of their life and achieve above (90) in the 12th grade successfully. Just like a father who proudly shows his children’s success, so as the BCF is proud of our dear students. We have always emphasized the service of the education sector and students, and with your support, we will continue to support this vital sector in KRG. One of the main BCF sectors is Orphan Care Sector in which now we have (16,806) orphans (children who lost their father and supported by BCF). We strive to expand this project every year. It is worth thanking the business owners for supporting this project for almost (11) years and we are proud of them. Despite the difficult times, they continued to cooperate with the foundation in this and other projects.”
Alan Hama Saeed, the Minister of Education, “The BCF has become an umbrella to support students.”
Later, the Minister of Education Alan Hama Saeed presented a speech, “On behalf of the Ministry of Education, we appreciate the BCF for supporting the education sector and assisting orphan students so that they can continue the education process more appropriately and it is our pride. Helping Kurdistan students, whether in elementary, high school or at university, is a crucial commitment. The BCF has become aa umbrella to support students. I hereby ask the students to love your people and land, to be loyal to your nation. It has been the BCF’s goal to build a generation who serve all the Kurdistan components without distinction.”
Dr Salah, representative of the Minister of Labour Social Affairs, “We are aware of the of BCF activities which deliver aids and support to the low-income and needy families in Kurdistan Region and other parts of Kurdistan.”
Representing the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Dr Salah delivered a statement, “We, as the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, are constantly aware of the BCF projects and activities which delivers the very essential aids to the poor and low-income families in Kurdistan and other parts of Kurdistan. I would like to send my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the head of the foundation, board of directors, and all the employees of this foundation. In 2014, the Kurdistan Region Government faced a financial crisis after its budget was cut by Baghdad, which directly affected our ministry mission. We were unable to deliver the aid we could to the poor and low-income families that made a great gap. The BCF and other charities were able to fill this gap to a very good extent.”
Dr Fursat Sofi, Erbil Governor, “The BCF foundation has always come forward to serve and assist the different components in difficult times.”
Erbil Governor Dr Fursat Sofi presented a statement in which he pointed out, “You have been strongly standing on your feet, depending on your abilities and skills during the difficult times of 12th grade. You have a bright future waiting ahead. We are honoured to be in your presence, we are proud of BCF to supporting you. This foundation has offered its assistance in many challenging times to serve all the components in the Kurdistan Region. I send you my sincere congratulations and wish you success in your life.”
Khalid Khoshnaw: Owner of Hemin Group Company “We consider it as our duty to serve our people everywhere.”
The owner of Hemn Group Company Mr Khalid Khoshnaw delivered a speech, “On behalf of the Kurdistan entrepreneurs, we consider it as our duty to serve our people wherever needed. We congratulate the beloved students who have achieved a high grade and wish them a bright future. Thank you once again.”
At the end of the ceremony, the guests and company distributed awards to the graduated students.