Barzani Charity Foundation Announces 2021 Projects

The BCF announced plans to open the Emirates Centre for Autism, Barzani’s House, and assist 15 thousand orphans in 2021 during a press conference held at the BCF headquarters in Erbil on December 30, 2020.

Organization officials also stated that a total of 60 BCF humanitarian and charitable projects across 11 sectors reached more than 6 million beneficiaries in 2020.

BCF Projects in 2020

Sixty major BCF projects aimed at supporting the internally displaced, refugees, other vulnerable communities across Iraq, and foreigners in need, reached a total of 6,054,340 beneficiaries in 2020.

Musa Ahmad, the Head of BCF, stated that despite the immense public health challenges faced by the organization throughout 2020, it was still able to provide support to vulnerable populations and develop stronger ties with international organizations.

“We have been able to provide various assistance to the people of Kurdistan, Iraq, IDPs, and refugees,” he said during the press conference. Ahmad expressed the organization’s gratitude to the media agencies and press for their continued support and cooperation in the coordination and implementation of the BCF’s projects.

Management of 30 Camps

The head of the organization also discussed the BCF’s work related to the management of IDP and refugee camps throughout the region and the projects being implemented within them.

“The BCF is the first and only NGO in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq to manage 30 refugee and IDP camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq,” he said during the event.

Projects Outside of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

The BCF also supported individuals through the projects it carried out in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Australia, Lebanon, and the UK, in addition to its projects across 13 provinces in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the Iraqi territories administered by the federal government.

For years, the organization has been working to support vulnerable population around the world.

BCF Projects for 2021

The head of the BCF discussed the organization’s objective of opening a support centre for autistic children in 2021 during the press conference. “In the new year, the UAE Centre for Autistic Children will be opened in the city of Erbil, which will support children with autism through the provision of training and learning courses for the children in the centre.”

The Zakat Project will ensure that the BCF is able to continue providing cash assistance to vulnerable families. The organization’s head then discussed the BCF’s plans to continue supporting orphans in 2021. “The BCF plans to provide and distribute cash assistance to 15 thousand orphans,” said the head.

The organization plans to inaugurate a centre for the support of women and children who suffered at the hands of ISIS terrorists in coordination with the American organization LDS Charities. Additionally, it will open the Daek (Mother) Centre for disabled children and  “a project to assist individuals who have been injured or have lost limbs as a result of war and conflict” as stated by the organization’s head. Finally, the BCF will seek to provide improved medical services to IDP and refugee camp residents and renovate a hospital in Khalifan sub-district.

The opening of the Barzani Museum in the Erbil Citadel dedicated to the history of the struggle of the Barzani’s and the Kurdish people will showcase historic documents and cultural objects to the visitors.

Beneficiaries Per Sector:

The BCF implemented 60 projects across 11 different sectors in 2020:

Education Sector: Provides stationery and school bags (27,642 individuals).

Health Sector: Provides health products and support (including COVID-19 response) (311,439 individuals).

Livelihood and Job Opportunity Sector: Benefited 2,058 people and 40,056 people received cash assistance.

Camp Coordination and Camp Management projects: benefited 4,548,214 individuals.

WASH Sector Projects: assisted and benefited 74,811 individuals.

Non-Food Items (NFI) Sector: benefited 80,284 people.

Food Sector: benefited 1,003,532 people.

Protection Sector: Supported 1,673 people.

Development Sector: Includes opening training courses benefited 581 individuals.
