On 25 NOV 2021 in the presence of BCF President Musa Ahmad and the Consul General of UAE in the Kurdistan Region Ahmed Aldhaheri, 2000 packages of winter stuff and blankets were distributed among the refugees that live in the Harsham Camp in the boundaries of Erbil Governorate.
A press conference was arranged for the BCF President and the Consul General of UAE, both sides shed light on the circumstances of the IDPs and the refugees in the Kurdistan Region.
This is a highlight of the press conference:

BCF President: About a million IDPs and refugees live in Kurdistan
At the beginning of the press conference, BCF President Mr. Musa Ahmad delivered a speech and announced:
In the name of the BCF, the IDPs, the refugees and the low income people, we sincerely thank the UAE, the people of the Emirates in general and the Consulate General of UAE in Erbil for they have always been cooperative and supportive with the BCF for providing aid and supporting the IDPs and the refugees, especially after 2013 when many IDPs and refugees came to the Kurdistan Region seeking a shelter. Including now there are unfortunately still about a million IDPs and refugees in the Kurdistan Region that are located in 35 camps. Unfortunately the aid provided by the international organizations, agencies and the UN organizations, their aid isn’t as it should be. Even more, the Ministry of Migration and Displaced in Iraq which is a relevant side and is responsible for the circumstances of the IDPs and the refugees that live in the Kurdistan Region. Winter is getting closer but the needs that were available for the IDPs and the refugees in the previous years like food, clothes and fuel, these needs aren’t available for them as they should be this year. As usual we have asked help from the ERC, that is a primary partner of the BCF in filling the voids that exist inside the camps and outside them. Thankfully today we are here with great aid to provide in the Harsham Camp and this project will also happen in the other IDPs and refugee Camps. Also many people that live outside the camps will benefit from these projects. We as the Barzani Charity Foundation, managing the camps is our responsibility in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the governorates, unfortunately we see that the circumstances of the IDPs and refugees aren’t as they should be. Especially we are aware that in the education sector there are great shortcomings, that’s why we ask the international organizations and the countries that provide aid to cooperate with the KRG, the BCF and the other countries that are still with us helping these beloved people as long as they are here in the Kurdistan Region. No doubt that we all hope for these people to willingly return to their places in the nearest opportunity. But there is no doubt that as long as they are here they will need aid and they will need support. It’s a collective responsibility of all relevant sides especially the Ministry of Migration and Displaced ,the UN organizations and the international organizations, it’s the duty of all of us to help these people get an honorable life, a life that is better than this. We now that with winter coming and the temperatures getting low, that will affect the lives of these people and already the effect ahs appeared in the fields of education and health. We ask the relevant sides to cooperate with us, because it is a huge duty and responsibility and the KRG and we aren’t able to do this alone. we hope that like the previous years we will be provided with aid and support.

Consul General of UAE: We will provide winter necessities for 75 thousand people
After that Mr. Ahmed Aldhaheri, Consul General of UAE delivered a speech and mentioned:
On the demand of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Al Nahyan, the President of ERC, today the project of winter clothes begins for the year 2021-2022 that targets more than 75 thousand of IDPs and refugees that live in the Kurdistan Region. Honestly, the continuity of the ERC in this project is because of the importance of the project and the component that it benefits. The BCF cares about providing their necessities like the previous years. I shall mention the strategic partner of the ERC that is the BCF, I sincerely thank them for their role with us and for standing with us for helping these essential components of the society. We really care about them and it is part of our yearly strategic program to provide their necessities and to stand with them, this is a priority of the UAE.
In fact our presence today is to reaffirm the continuity of the UAE in the humanitarian field to support these various components and the continuous aid provision by the Emirates as a partner of the Kurdistan Region. In this occasion I sincerely thank the KRG and I thank the Prime Minister of KRG His Excellency Masrour Barzani, the Head of BCF’s Board of Founders for his continuous support for providing the essential necessities of livelihood and development for the IDPs and the refugees in the Kurdistan Region