The Barzani Charity Foundation in association with the general consulate of China in Erbil, distributed 1200 bags and stationery on students.
With the presence of their Messer Musa Ahmed the head of the Barzani Charity Foundation, Umed Khoshnaw Erbil’s conservative and Liu Jun the consul of the general consulate of China in Erbil pronounced a project under the title (panda pack) which was arranged in association with the (Alibaba Philanthropy) and (CHINA FOUNDATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT) and China consulate in Erbil, in the 7th of November,2023 in Al-Atta primary school from Harsham Camp in Erbil’s governorate, the (Panda Pack) project has been announced. Which was a project for contributing 1200 bags and stationery and the beginning of the project was for the first and second student graders in the named school above.
The beginning of the ceremony was a media conge rete, Messer Musa Ahmed the head of the Barzani Charity Foundation, in his speech after welcoming the audience, he said: “we are delighted that today we receive a beautiful help from China country for our beloved students, this help is an important matter for us, for that the international helps are not the same as before and they have reduced from sending their helps”. The head of the Barzani Charity Foundation also wished that the refugees and immigrants get a chance to go back to their homelands as soon as its possible if they are willing to. Also, he claimed “as long as these dears stay here, it’s a duty for all of us to serve them, and these helps and the helps from the Kurdistan region government and us, will make us able to do our best for them”.
During his speech he also mentioned that still there are 90 thousand refugees and immigrants in 35 camps in Kurdistan region, and he focused on that point which shows that the helps are not in a convenient level, and about that he said: “in 2022 only 4 times food packages have been contributed, but since October,2023 the ministry of migration and immigrants is trying to continue from these helps”. And he said that oil is needed for those whom live in and outside the camps and as long as winter is coming providing it is really important.
Messer Liu Jun the general consul of China in Erbil, first he showed his sorrow for those refugees and immigrants for loosing their homes and being moved from their home lands and appreciated that the Kurdistan region has welcomed them and opened its doors for them. Meanwhile he claimed that his country is working to overcome poverty and in past decades they have saved 770 million of people from poverty and they also promised that they will continue from helping and serving in that matter.
And in an answer for the Barzani Charity Foundations medias Reporters question, about whether these helps are going to continue or if they are going to have more projects for humanitarian helps or not. He said:” of course we wish to continue, and today that is our first time to visit this camp, I am so happy to see those kids are so happy with these gifts that they are provided from (panda Pack) from China, the China republic has overcome on a lot of poverty issues and saved a huge number of people from poverty. But this is not enough we have to work with other countries around the world to work for our speech which is no nation should be left behind”, also he said: “we wish to receive more equipment from our consulate so we can distribute on those people in need”.
Messer Umed Khoshnaw the Erbil’s conservative, in his speech after welcoming the audience and thanking and appreciating the Barzani Charity Foundation and the general Consulate of China, he said: “the Barzani Charity Foundation has done a lot of work for the camps, and nowadays they are showing a humanitarian ID of Kurdistan Region to the world”. As he continued, I mean those helps and services for students for improving Education in the camps from Kurdistan region and also, the Kurdistan Region, is not agreeing with forcing those immigrants to go back to their homelands. Even though we also are not in a good condition but we continue to give services and help to those refugees and immigrants as long as they stay in here”.
Also, he wished: “the refugees and immigrants of the camps can have their problems solved and be able to go back to their homelands honorably and their causes of being away of their homes get solved”. He also claimed: “we thank all the UN nations and their representatives who visited us and helped the Kurdistan Region. And because of the decision that the Iraqi government has done, supporting and helping the camps have reduced, that’s why we ask the UN Nations to be helpful so as we can help and serving the camps better so they can have their first rights provided”.