Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) dispatched rescue and relief teams, accompanied by convoys of humanitarian assistance, to Turkey on the same day the earthquake hit Turkey and Syria (6/2/2023) and joined the rescue and aid teams on the ground.
In addition to providing food, clothing, heating devices and tents to the earthquake victims, medical staff and medicines were also provided to treat the injured.
The Disaster and Emergency Management Organization of Turkey (AFAD) also facilitated the efforts of the BCF teams to help the victims of the earthquakes, and convey the message of humanity.
Barzani Charity Foundation was the first international organization to deliver aid to Afrin. In addition to providing emergency services to the victims of the earthquakes and providing food and hot meals, they provided more than 500 tents through the village headmen for the affected people of the villages of Afrin.
Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) built a camp for earthquake affected families in Adiyaman of Turkey on 22/2/2023.
Barzani Charity Foundation has provided the following services in Diyarbakir, Malatya, Urfa, Marash, Adiyaman, Dilok, Adana and Afrin in less than a month:
Hot meals: 95000
Dry food: 20,472
Fast Food: 20,855
Tents: 3,912
Heaters: 9,055
Charcoal: 27,000 kg
Cash: €500,000
Clothing : 6,808
Formula milk: 8,495
Water packs: 47,220
Blankets and mattresses: 43,684
Construction equipment: 100
Medicine for Afrin hospital: 4,000 kg
Medical assistance and treatment: 6,310
Number of beneficiary families: 194,656 and in each of these cities were as follows:
Diyarbakır: 35410
Malatya: 6580
Urfa: 9070
Marash: 48756
Adana: 9,000
Afrin: 25,149
Adiyaman: 25,251